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Why your company needs a media kit

November 17, 2020

The media landscape seems to transform every day, and due to the digital age, your marketing strategy needs to learn the best way to capitalize on it. One of the best ways to reach a larger audience is through collaboration with media outlets. 

A media kit, also known as a press kit, is a document containing information about your company or business. It includes photos, a description of who you are, some statistics, current company happenings or anything interesting that you believe will get the press interested in writing about your company.

Media kits are a valuable tool to have in your marketing strategy and should be taken full advantage of. Especially if you’re trying to grow your business.

Print newspapers may be dying out, but the news’ transition to online allows stories to be viewed by a much broader audience thanks to sharing and social media platforms. If you get published by these outlets, their audience then becomes your audience, which then brings you more leads.

We’re going to spend the next few weeks explaining to you what exactly a media kit is, and how you can use it to your company’s advantage.

First up: preparing for your first media kit. 

Building a relationship with the Press

In order to even reach an audience and spread the word about your business, you need to build a relationship with the press.

Instead of sending your press release to every news outlet you can find, you need to reach out to a publication relative to your business. 

Read their work. Find a journalist whose writing you enjoy the most and you feel will best represent your company. Make contact with them, let them know you admire their work.

Your first contact shouldn’t immediately be your press release. These emails will often go unnoticed by reporters, but if you establish contact before then, they’ll be more likely to open your press release if they are familiar with your name.

Another great way to build a relationship with the press is to offer yourself as a resource for any future stories they will write. 

There’s a great site, Help a Reporter that allows journalists to connect with sources who have the expertise for whatever story they may be writing about.

Taking advantage of this tool will help not only you in the long run, but a reporter as well. It’s a win-win!

Who is your audience?

Your content needs to speak to the audience. This is why it’s so important you’re reaching out to a relevant publication, because at the end of the day, their audience is your audience. 

Think from the point of view of your audience. Why should they care about your company or your product? What makes you unique? Write something you would want to read. 

You’re pitching yourself not only to a publication, but your audience as well. 

Remember: when you are sending out press releases, you are trying to gather leads and attract clients to your company.

Now, you’ve got the basics down. You’re building a relationship with the press, you’ve found your target audience and you’re figuring out the best way to pitch yourself to them. Up next is putting your actual media kit together. 

Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With Carimus’ talented design and strategy teams, we can help you create a media packet that is not only visually appealing, but successful today! Contact us at to launch your project, and stay tuned for our next blog post where we’ll explain to you what your kit needs to contain.

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