We are approaching the end of a very strange year. I think I speak for us all when I say I’m ready to pack 2020 into a rocket ship and blast it deep into space so that I’ll never have to see it again. The new year signifies a fresh start, and we could definitely use one for 2021.
We have an interesting tradition here at Carimus to kick off this fresh start that I thought would be worth sharing. Email Bankruptcy Day.
What is it? Exactly what it sounds. Unless you’re one of the few who regularly keep up with your inbox and you have under 10 unread messages, we all have a ton of unread emails.
Email Bankruptcy day is an official day at Carimus where you take all these emails and without looking at them individually, mark them as read or delete them.
Sound stressful? Here’s the logic. You are never going to read them and it represents a distraction to your progress.
When we started this three years ago, we were just merging Carimus and the Everest Agency. Our Founder and Creative lead, Bryan Martin, had 25,000 unread emails. Assuming it took 15 seconds to process the content of each email (a gross underestimate) it would take him over 6k hours to process them. That’s three work years.
We have a responsibility as individuals to align our focus with our interest for our own wellbeing. There are many distractions that are presented to us and we are under no obligation to service each and every distraction.
Email bankruptcy at Carimus is a small organizational activity that helps people clock out at the end of the year. It also serves as a reminder to our team that you can’t get to everything, sometimes you just have to purge the noise.
Please join the Carimus team in ridding yourself of those of unread emails and give yourself back a little bit of focus and piece of mind.
Email Bankruptcy day will be held December 24th. So, pour yourself some spiked eggnog, and blindly mark all those emails as read. I guarantee you will feel less burdened.
My current inbox is at just 8,841 unread and counting.
While we’re at it, let’s make it interesting. Comment or tag us on socials showing us your unread email count. The person with the highest amount of unread emails in their inbox gets a free Carimus T-shirt. And who doesn’t want a free T-shirt? Screenshot or it doesn’t count!
Add a picture of your inbox and tag with #EmailBankruptcyDay and #CareIMust.
Here’s all the links to our socials:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/carimus
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carimusllc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carimusll
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carimus